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Veterinary Students: Apply for Swine Externship Grant

The AASV Foundation encourages veterinary students with an interest in swine medicine to gain extra-curricular, “hands-on” experience working with swine practitioners in a private practice or production company. The foundation’s swine externship grant program, now in its fourteenth year, provides financial support to veterinary students who participate in a qualifying externship. The grants are available year-round, and range from $200 to $500 per student, based upon the actual expenses incurred during the externship.

Veterinary students who plan to complete an externship of at least 2 weeks’ duration in a swine practice or a mixed practice with a considerable swine component may apply for the grant. (Please note, participation in university-based swine courses, including those offered at the Swine Medicine Education Center, do not qualify for the grant). Both the student and at least one member of the hosting practice must be members of the AASV. Members who are willing to host students are encouraged to provide their contact information to AASV for inclusion on the list of externship opportunities on the AASV Web site at

In addition to student information, the grant application requests a letter from the hosting practice containing details of the planned externship. After the externship has been completed and the practice has confirmed the student’s participation, the student submits a brief report of his or her experiences along with expense receipts to the AASV Foundation before the funds are disbursed.

The grant application is available at, and should be submitted prior to the start of the externship. There is a limit of one grant per student. For more information, contact the AASV Foundation: Tel: 515-465-5255; Fax: 515-465-3832; E-mail: