The world protein supply, preparing for new swine diseases, and other pork production-related issues will be some of the topics covered June 25 at Iowa State University’s fourth annual Iowa Swine Day.
Regional, national and international leaders in swine research, economics, production and the marketplace will address key challenges facing the pork industry. The event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4:35 p.m. at the Benton Auditorium in the Scheman Building on the Iowa State campus.
John Patience, Iowa State animal science professor and an event organizer, said the sessions offer a variety of timely topics.
“We are seeking to continue to build momentum with this event. The key is to offer a program that addresses important issues for the pig industry – today and in the future. We do this by asking an industry panel to help us select topics and speakers,” he said.
Topics on the program include updates on PRRS and PEDv and how they impact nutrition; how heat stress affects reproduction; and how the industry can respond to the unique expectations of employing millennials.
Speakers include William Sawyer, vice president, Rabobank; Alan Wessler, vice president, MFA Inc. and Matt Culbertson, director of Global Product Development, PIC.
Iowa Swine Day is open to the public, and targets pork producers, pork industry suppliers, extension personnel, consultants, researchers, veterinarians and students.
The cost of the meeting is $60 (students receive a $35 dollars discount), if registered by June 12. The fee includes coffee, snacks, a lunch and a copy of the proceedings. Registration is available at