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Drug Use Guidelines for Bovine Practice Available From AABP

The American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) has created Drug Use Guidelines for Bovine Practice to assist beef and dairy veterinarians in guiding appropriate, effective and legal drugs use on cattle operations. [Source: AABP press release, April 29, 2015]

Because of the complexity of the issue, a special AABP task force comprised of veterinary and pharmacology experts in the feedlot, cow-calf and dairy sectors has been crafting these guidelines over a three-year period.

The guidelines are divided into sections including establishing and maintaining a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR); using scientific knowledge and veterinary training for disease management; providing oversight on drug use on cattle operations; prescribing or dispensing drugs in a legal and ethical manner; preventing violative residues; avoiding compounded and unapproved drugs; assuring responsible use of antimicrobials; and using analgesics to control pain when indicated. The guidelines also contain a list of prohibited/illegal drugs in cattle, the definition of an animal drug, and numerous industry and government resources for further information.

The Drug Use Guidelines for Bovine Practice Guidelines from AABP can be found at and are available to members and the public.