Research underway at the University of Saskatchewan will provide information that will help swine veterinarians prescribe the most effective treatments for specific strains of Brachyspira, writes Bruce Cochrane. [Source: The]
Certain species of Brachyspira cause such infections as swine dysentery, muco-hemorrhagic diarrhea or porcine intestinal spirochetosis in pigs. As part of research being conducted on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc scientists with the University of Saskatchewan in partnership with Novartis Animal Health are working to determine which antimicrobials will be most effective for treating specific strains of Brachyspira.
Dr Joe Rubin, an assistant professor in veterinary microbiology with the University of Saskatchewan, says this project is in response to the emergence of Brachyspira hampsonii and concerns related to antimicrobial resistance. Dr Rubin expects the first results from this work this coming summer or fall.