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PDCoV Retrospective Study

APHIS supported retrospective testing for porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) at three NAHLN laboratories. The USDA Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH) has completed the preliminary analysis of the testing data. Overall, 2286 samples were tested for PDCoV. Samples were submitted from 27 known States (there were 68 samples with unknown state where samples were collected). Grower/finisher, nursery, sow/boar and suckling operation types supplied 14%, 18%, 5%, and 22% of the samples respectively. There were sample collection dates between April 9, 2010 (40 samples) to December 21, 2013.

A total of 4 positive samples were detected. Two each from the states of Iowa and Minnesota. Positive samples were collected on August 9, 2013 (3 samples) and October 6, 2013. Three of the positives came from grower/finisher sites and one positive sample came from an unknown operation type.

This is very important information as it assists us in zeroing in on when PDCoV may have arrived in the U.S. Clinical cases started to be submitted to the veterinary diagnostic labs in significant numbers in February 2014.

APHIS, Veterinary Services sincerely appreciates the cooperation and extra effort swine veterinarians have exhibited to assist us in getting the SECD reporting up and running. There have been significant improvements in the number of laboratory submissions that include premises identification numbers which facilitates follow-ups on positive herds.

In an effort to make reporting as easy and efficient as possible for practitioners, USDA created an ReportTemplate_072114.xlsx” target=”_blank”> AASV website. Other important documents related to SECD reporting, including the names and contact information for DROs, are available at the APHIS website,