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AASV Membership Survey

The AASV needs your help. We are surveying our members to determine how to better serve you and develop programming that meets your needs. We want to understand how you use and value the resources we provide and get your feedback on new ways the AASV can serve its members and the swine industry. Members have until Monday, August 25 (8:00 AM CDT) to complete the survey.

All AASV voting members have received an email this week with a link to the survey. The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. Individual responses will be kept confidential and pooled with those of other AASV members by MarketSense, the company who is conducting the study for us. MarketSense is conducting this survey at no charge for AASV.

You may notice that MarketSense utilized SurveyMonkey as the online service to produce this survey. SurveyMonkey has a program that allows you to select from a list of charities that will receive fifty cents for each survey you complete. One of the charities in this list is HSUS. Please understand that you have to sign up to participate in the charity program. Therefore, completing the AASV survey will NOT provide a donation to HSUS or any of the other charities. AASV had discontinued using Survey Monkey almost a year ago choosing to work with Fluid Surveys instead. Unfortunately, Fluid Surveys was recently purchased by Survey Monkey and we have not had time to research additional online survey services.

To increase the validity of the survey results, we need all AASV voting members to participate. Thanks for your continued support of AASV!