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Swine Veterinarian Public Policy

The U.S. pork industry is under mounting criticism from opponents of modern farm animal production methods. Much of this criticism is not based on science. To help balance the scales, the National Pork Producers Council is developing an elite team of swine veterinarians to advocate on behalf of the pork industry and their own profession nationwide. Participants will learn how policy is made on the federal level, the impact of foreign animal disease on international trade, and how to communicate effectively with lawmakers and regulatory officials. All costs, including travel, will be borne by NPPC.

The curriculum will reflect how the federal government directly impacts the businesses and livelihoods of swine veterinarians. Training will consist of three 1 ½-day sessions held over the course of a year. Written assignments will be completed between sessions. The first session for the next class is scheduled for September 9 – 10, 2014.

The 2014 class is nearly full, but if you are interested in participating, please complete the participant form and email it to NPPC (