- The NAHLN was unable to provide AASV with the weekly update in time to meet our Wednesday deadline. The weekly New Case Report will be posted on the http://www.aasv.org/aasv%20website/Resources/Diseases/PorcineEpidemicDiarrhea.php AASV web site as soon as we receive it.
- Harrisvaccines’ PED vaccine receives conditional licensure from USDA. [http://www.aasv.org/news/story.php?id=7282]
- The North American Spray Dried Blood and Plasma Producers association released the results of NASDBPP and FDA experiments evaluating the safety of spray dried plasma products. [http://www.aasv.org/news/story.php?id=7284]
- The Swine Health Monitoring Project updated the latest results of its Time-to-Stability study [http://www.aasv.org/news/story.php?id=7286]