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Arkansas Implements Import Regulations for PEDv

Prompted by the quick spread of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), Arkansas has joined the growing list of states that have implemented import regulation changes on pigs entering the state, according to Delta Farm Press. "The new rules are an attempt to minimize the likelihood of the virus entering our borders," says Jeremy Powell, DVM, University of Arkansas Animal Science Department associate professor and veterinarian. "Now, any pigs being brought into Arkansas must be inspected by a veterinarian followed by a health certificate. Also, there must be a statement provided by the veterinarian saying that the pigs are traveling from a site that hasn’t had a PEDV case in the last 60 days." The state of Arkansas must then be called and an entry permit number must be issued for the health certificate.

[Editor’s note: This is the sixth state we know of that has enacted some type of import regulations relative to PED. Visit the AASV website for a complete list of those state requirements.]

Source: National Hog Farmer, April 2, 2014