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AASV Members: Seminar Proceedings Online

Were you aware that the proceedings papers from the AASV pre-conference seminars are available for AASV members to access online in the Swine Information Library? Even if you weren’t able to attend the annual meeting – or if you had to miss one seminar in order to attend another – you don’t have to miss out on the information shared during the seminars! In fact, you can access the past eight years’ worth of seminar presentations. (Please note, in order to access the 2014 materials, your 2014 AASV membership dues must be paid). The 2014 AASV Seminar topics include:

  1. Practice Tips: It’s Our Sworn Duty to Share! (coming soon)
  2. Grow-Finish Biosecurity: Reality or Oxymoron?
  3. Data Management
  4. Swine Reproduction Technology
  5. Avoiding Black Helicopters
  6. Operation Main Street Training (no proceedings)
  7. Pathogen Transmission: From around the World to Your Backyard!
  8. Effective Communication
  9. Diagnostic Laboratory Synergism for Best Outcomes
  10. Swine Medicine for Students

Additional conference materials available to members online include the proceedings from the regular meeting sessions, and video of the general session presentations, including the Howard Dunne and Alex Hogg Memorial Lectures.