All AASV annual meeting attendees are invited to join fellow AASV members, families, and friends for the Praise Breakfast on Sunday, March 2 in Dallas, Texas. The breakfast will be held at 7:00 AM in "Atrium" on the second floor of the Sheraton Dallas Hotel. The AASV Praise Band will lead a group sing-along, and attendees will learn about opportunities with Christian Veterinary Mission. Former AASV president Dr. David Reeves will offer a brief inspirational message. A free-will offering, along with support from our (new!) breakfast sponsor Stuart Products, will defray the cost of the breakfast. (The AASV regrets the incorrect listing of the sponsor name in the meeting program and appreciates Stuart Products’ support of this popular breakfast). The Praise Breakfast will conclude by 8:00 AM to allow members to attend the scientific sessions.