The AASV Student Recruitment Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Chris Sievers (Iowa State University, 2016) as the incoming Alternate Student Delegate to the AASV Board of Directors.
Chris grew up on a family farm that had a farrow to finish swine operation into the early 2000s, and then raised contract finishing pigs. He also raised swine for 4H and FFA projects and participated in 4H livestock judging. Prior to entering veterinary school, he received an undergradate degree in Animal Science from Iowa State. As an undergraduate, Chris participated on the Meats and Livestock Judging Teams, as well as the Swine Interest Group in the Block and Bridle Club. In addition, he had summer internships with Niman Ranch and the Iowa State Swine Veterinary Internship program as a flex intern for Boehringer-Ingelheim. He also interned in Fairmont, Minnesota sponsored by Zoetis.
He became “hooked on swine medicine” during his first year of veterinary school and was accepted into the master’s program in Preventative Animal Medicine, with a swine project and core courses in epidemiology, swine medicine, statistics and also microbiology and pathology.
He presented a poster at the AASV Annual meeting in 2013, and noted “a very tight knit group of veterinarians that truly cared about the industry and its future, and was almost like family.” He came home thinking, “That’s a profession I want to be involved in.” When the announcement came to apply for the student delegate position, he knew this would be a great opportunity to become more involved and give back to AASV.
Chris will assume duties as Alternate Student Delegate during the 2014 AASV Annual Meeting. The former alternate delegate, Amy Daniels (University of Illinois, 2015), will ascend to the delegate position. Amy and Chris will represent student interests within AASV as non-voting members of the Board of Directors and the Student Recruitment Committee.
Please join us in welcoming Chris to the AASV Board of Directors!