The AASV Foundation is pleased to announce that the National Pork Industry Foundation has renewed funding for the NPIF Internship Stipend for 2014. This program, now in its sixth year, provides internship opportunities to six veterinary students who are interested in swine medicine but have limited means to gain experience early in their education. The AASV Student Recruitment Committee is seeking six US swine practitioners to be mentors for the students. Commitments include answering one student’s questions regarding the industry throughout the year and hosting the student for a minimum of 1 month in the summer. If you are interested in being a practitioner mentor, please contact Dr. Nathan Schaefer at 515-236-1238 (cell) or
The AASV Student Recruitment Committee developed the program to link each selected first- or second-year veterinary student with a practitioner mentor for 1 year. During the summer, the student is required to spend 1 month under the practitioner’s guidance in the field. The $3300 stipend provided to each student is meant to defer costs of travel, lodging and compensation for the 1-month period. In addition, the student is encouraged to attend both the AASV Annual Meeting and the Leman Conference.