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PRRS Corner: PRRS Season is Coming – Are Your Producers Ready?

Based on data from the National PRRSv Incidence Project, we have documented the repeatability of the seasonal PRRSv epidemic. In this study we record the number of new PRRSv cases in a cohort of 370 sow herds across 14 unique production systems. For the past four years, the number of new cases on a weekly basis is expected to dramatically rise in mid-October (refer to this graph). With this in mind, the time to have conversations with your producers about preparing for the coming PRRSv epidemic season is now.

Preparations should include such things as:

  • Maintenance or repairs on filtration systems should be well under way and nearing completion. Because we have documented even filtered farms will break with new PRRSv infections, it is important to remember all aspects of bio-security.
  • Conducting audits with farm personnel should include a walk around the outside of the barn to ensure weeds are trimmed away from the barn, rodent bait stations are refilled, and any holes in curtains or soffits are repaired.
  • Inside the barn, it is good to review personnel and equipment entry protocols and what to do if a mistake happens – especially in cases of high employee turnover.
  • Entry ways, animal load outs, showers and decontamination rooms should be cleaned, organized, and restocked with all equipment needed at each location.

All efforts at this point should only help to reduce the risk of new infections this PRRSv season.

The authors of this study would like to thank the National Pork Board and PRRS CAP for initial project support. Additionally we would like to thank the ongoing efforts of the participating production systems and veterinarians for their support and willingness to share data.

Source: Dr Steve Tousignant (, National PRRSv Incidence Project, UMN