- Refer to the AASV PEDv web page for the latest case updates. No new states were added this week although the reported number of new cases edged up slightly.
- I have reorganized the AASV PEDv webpage to place some of the more frequently accessed information near the top of the page. In addition, I have added a link to a What’s New This Week page containing the information added since the previous update. Clicking on this link is the quickest way to access the most recent information including the latest case reports from the NAHLN. I’ve also added a graph showing the new case reports by week to the What’s New This Week page.
- Drs. Paul Yeske and Joe Connor provided AASV with 3 videos illustrating methods to enter and exit trucks and trailers in a biosecure manner. I have posted these videos on the AASV PEDv web page (scroll to the bottom of the page).
- AASV, NPB and NPPC have formed a PEDv Strategic Task Force. The objective of the Task Force is to provide strategic leadership and coordination for the control/elimination of PED from the U.S. swine herd. The group identified 3 working groups to concentrate efforts on packing plant biosecurity, on-farm biosecurity/trucking and on-farm biocontainment. Dr. Hans Rotto agreed to serve as the PED Coordinator and oversee the working groups.