- Laboratory case report: the National Animal Health Laboratory Network compiled case reports from veterinary diagnostic labs at ISU, UMN and SDSU for the week ending July 6, 2013. Results indicate 19 new case accessions in a total of 16 states (the first case in Texas was reported this week).[UPDATE 7/12/13: The NAHLN has reported that an error occurred in last week’s case report. Based on a follow-up investigation by the Texas State Animal Health Official and the testing laboratory, it was determined that a reporting error occurred on State of Origin for the accession originally listed as from Texas. Therefore, there are only 15 states with diagnosed cases of PEDv and no known cases in the state of Texas.] The corrected report can be viewed on the AASV PEDv web page.
- Dr. Matthew Turner conducted a survey of biosecurity practices at four cull buying stations in North Carolina following reports of the first cases in the state during the week of June 23, 2013. His findings and recommendations are also posted on the AASV PEDv web page.
- USDA CEAH is collaborating with AASV, NPB, NPPC and the University of Minnesota to develop a series of epidemiological surveys to investigate the risk factors associated with lateral spread of the PED virus. The epidemiological approach will include both retrospective and prospective surveys as well as an in-depth look at “isolated” outbreaks in Oklahoma and North Carolina.