The Organising Committee of the 5th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) and the 50th anniversary of the Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) would like to remind all potential contributors to the scientific programme that the closure date for abstract submission – December 20 – is fast approaching.
Submitted abstracts will be divided into several different sections if accepted:
- Oral Presentations – basic and clinical science papers of direct relevance to the field of porcine health and management
- Clinical Club – very practical based papers with on farm experience of interesting cases and outcomes
- Residents’ Session – for registered ECPHM residents
- Partners’ Session – our partners’ latest findings
- Poster Presentations – on display for the duration of the Symposium with authors in attendance for discussion
- Nominated Posters – designated discussion session for the top two posters in each category
The symposium, to be held in Edinburgh May 22-24, will appeal to a wide range of different industry members ranging from those involved in the scientific and veterinary fields of porcine health and management, through to those in the allied genetic and nutritional industries who wish to update themselves with some of the latest developments in the pig world.
Final date for abstract submission is December 20, 2012. Submission of papers, along with further information, can be found at