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EU Must Tackle the Rising Threat of Microbial Resistance, says Health Committee

The widespread use of antimicrobials is threatening their effectiveness by increasing microbial resistance, says the health committee. It wants the problem to be tackled by using the drugs more cautiously, improving animal welfare and creating new business models to stimulate innovation.

MEPs vow to promote prudent-use guidelines aimed at reducing non-essential and inappropriate exposure to antimicrobials in human and veterinary medicine, livestock farming, agriculture, aquaculture and horticulture, in a non-binding resolution drafted by Anna Rosbach (ECR, DK).

The committee highlights the need to restrict the use of antimicrobials classified as critically important by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and calls on the European Commission to draft rules for the veterinary sector to limit the use of third and fourth generation antimicrobials that are critically important for humans.

"If we do not take measures to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), it will threaten our ability to conduct what is now routine medical practice which relies on antimicrobials to protect patients from infection", said Ms. Rosbach after the vote. "In the words of the World Health Organization, AMR threatens a return to ‘the pre-antibiotic era", she added.

MEPs say that livestock farming and aquaculture should focus on disease prevention rather than the prophylactic use of antimicrobials.

They stress the need to review provisions related to animal welfare as animal health can be improved while reducing the use of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The Commission is invited to re-evaluate provisions on maximum animal density in livestock farming.

Legislation on veterinary medicines should be updated in order to limit the right to prescribe antimicrobials to professionally qualified veterinarians only, and to separate the right to prescribe from the right to sell antimicrobials in order to eradicate economic incentives to prescribe.

Source: European Parliament News November 6, 2012