2012 International PRRS Symposium (IPRRSS) and National Swine Improvement Federation (NSIF) conference
“The genetics of the virus-host interaction”
November 29-November 30, 2012, Marriott KC Downtown, Kansas City, MO
To all Researchers, Practitioners and Producers:
This is the third announcement for the 2012 IPRRSS and NSIF conference. Registration and abstract submission are now open! The meeting will be held in conjunction with meetings and workshops hosted by Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., the PRRS CAP, and the National Pork Board. Program highlights are at the end of this email.
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Friday October 12, 2012. Online registration and abstract submission are now open at the conference website (http://www.prrssymposium.org/TopMenu/Registration.aspx). Abstract submission instructions are at http://www.prrssymposium.org/TopMenu/AbstractSubmitGuidelines.aspx.
Registration is $100 and includes lunch on Thursday and Friday. There is no registration fee for students. Graduate student travel fellowship applications are available at http://www.prrssymposium.org/TopMenu/TravelAwards.aspx.
The hotel rate at the Marriott KC Downtown is $109 per night and includes free internet. Go to the following link to obtain the reduced room rate: https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=10046616
Those requiring visas are encouraged to register as early as possible so visa letters can be processed. Conference details and a copy of the 2005-2011 symposium proceedings including abstracts can be found at the Symposium website: http://www.prrssymposium.org
The detailed program can be found at: http://www.prrssymposium.org/TopMenu/ScheduleOfActivities.aspx
The AASV PRRS Task Force will meet on Friday morning 8:00am – 12:00pm.