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PADRAP Update – March 2012

Thirteen veterinarians were trained to use AASV’s Production Animal Disease Risk Assessment Program (PADRAP) during the AASV Annual meeting in Denver, Colo. This brings the number of trained AASV member veterinarians to 318. According to the Spring 2012 PADRAP Newsletter, 3,217 and 744 assessments have been completed on 1,633 breeding herds and 696 grow-finish sites respectively.

The Canadian Swine Health Board recently funded some enhancements to PADRAP resulting in additional questions in the Demographics section of the risk assessment and three customized reports that can be generated along with the existing benchmarking reports. These new features will be used to benchmark over time compliance to the Canadian National Biosecurity Standards (NBS) and aid in the development of individual farm plans to improve on-farm biosecurity and reduce disease transmission risks.

PADRAP staff are seeking additional funding to enhance the benchmarking capabilities of the program. Proposed enhancements would enable veterinarians to benchmark multiple sites within every production system using additional filtering capabilities and allow more flexibility to select what to benchmark against. In addition, mapping capabilities allowing for the analysis and reporting of PADRAP scores based on geographic location, production site or type of production could be a powerful indicator of change or improvement in an area regional control project.

Additional information is available on the PADRAP web site.