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Dr. Michelle Sprague Elected AASV Vice President

Dr. Michelle Sprague was introduced as the newly elected AASV Vice President during the 2012 AASV Annual meeting in Denver, CO.

Dr. Sprague grew up on a small farrow-to-finish and row crop farm in Glenwood, IA. Following graduation from the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2005, she joined the Audubon-Manning Veterinary Clinic (AMVC) in Audubon, IA. She is currently a partner and director of sow health at AMVC. Her responsibilities include overseeing animal health, biosecurity, food safety and animal welfare on all AMVC’s managed sow farms.

Dr. Sprague has been an active member of the AASV currently serving as the chair of the Pig Welfare Committee and as a member of the PADRAP Advisory Committee. She was awarded the AASV Young Swine Veterinarian of the Year Award in 2010 and is a frequent speaker at various professional and industry meetings including AASV. She also represents AASV as the alternate delegate to the AVMA’s Animal Welfare Committee and is a member of the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association.

When asked about her recent election, Dr. Sprague commented, “I am greatly honored to have been elected AASV Vice President. This organization plays an important role in swine medicine and the swine industry in general. I am excited to contribute to the association that has helped shape me as a veterinarian. The AASV is comprised of so many phenomenal people; it is a privilege to serve them in this capacity.”