The American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation awarded scholarships totaling $25,000 to 15 veterinary students during the AASV annual meeting in Denver, Colo.
Trevor Schwartz received the $5,000 scholarship for top student presentation. Trevor is a 3rd year veterinary student at Iowa State University. His presentation was titled "Effect of waste environment on survival of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae.” Pfizer Animal Health provided the financial support for the Top Student Presenter award. Additional scholarships totaling $20,000 were provided by Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, on behalf of Elanco Animal Health.
Four veterinary student presenters received $2,500 scholarships: Jessica Abbott, Iowa State University, Michael Nagorske, University of Minnesota, Marisa Rotolo, Iowa State University, and Paul Thomas, Iowa State University.
Five veterinary student presenters received $1,500 scholarships: Cara Haden, Iowa State University, Sam Holst, University of Minnesota, Casey Rabbe, University of Minnesota, Jonathan Tangen, Iowa State University and Megan Thompson, University of Minnesota.
Those student presenters receiving $500 scholarships were: Kelsey Altholz, North Carolina State University, Kevin Dobesh, University of Nebraska/Iowa State University, Emily Kuntz, University of Illinois, Brittney McLamb, North Carolina State University and Bethany Stammen, The Ohio State University.
Veterinary students representing 14 universities submitted 47 abstracts for consideration. From those submissions, fifteen students were selected to present during the annual meeting. Pfizer Animal Health, sponsor of the Student Seminar, provided a $750 travel stipend to each student selected to participate.
A panel of judges selected the recipients on the basis of communications skills in the writing of the abstract and the presentation of the case report, and on applicability of the research to swine medicine.