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2012 NIAA Annual Conference in Denver — Early Registration Ends Feb. 8

The National Institute for Animal Agriculture’s 2012 Annual Conference, “Living in a World of Decreasing Resources and Increasing Regulation: How to Advance Animal Agriculture,” March 27-28, in Denver, Colo., will look at how challenges such as tight credit, increased capital requirements, environmental regulations, drought and other weather issues, more demanding animal care standards and misperceptions about how animals are raised are impacting animal agriculture—and what steps can be taken to advance animal agriculture in light on these challenges.

In addition to listening to keynote presentations, attendees are encouraged to participate in the species-specific committee meetings and council meetings: bovine committee, equine committee, poultry committee, small ruminant committee, swine committee, animal health emergency management council, antibiotics council, animal care council, emerging disease council, animal identification and information systems council and global animal health, food security and trade council. Each species-specific committee meeting and council meeting will have highly targeted speakers and attendees will address issues relevant to the species or council.

NIAA conference attendees are also welcome to participate in a Colorado cattle industry tour on Thursday, March 29. NIAA’s post-conference tour includes visits to JBS packing plant, Five Rivers Kuner Feedlot and Guttersen Ranches.

To learn more about NIAA’s Annual Conference, please visit online: