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To Digest or Not to Digest…That is the Question

To Digest or Not to Digest? You DO have a choice – at least when it comes to receiving AASV-L messages. Some members have expressed dissatisfaction with the format of AASV-L messages, not realizing there are TWO options for AASV-L delivery: Digest Mode and Individual Mode. It DOES make a difference! Read on:

By default, all members receive AASV-L messages in Digest Mode. The advantage of Digest Mode is that you receive only one email per day, which includes all of the AASV-L messages and responses submitted since the previous digest. A disadvantage to this mode is that the subject line is non-specific, and will say only "AASV Digest Volume xx, Issue xx" since the digest often contains multiple messages and topics. Thus you have to open the message and scroll through it to see if the topics under discussion are of interest to you. You may also find the digest message repetitive and difficult to navigate, particularly if discussion participants neglected to trim the original message(s) when sending their replies.

The alternative delivery format is Individual Mode. The advantage of Individual Mode is that you receive each individual message as soon as it is approved by the moderator. Each message has a distinct subject line that pertains specifically to the topic it addresses, so it’s easy to "screen" each message by subject and open only those that interest you. Also, the most recent response is right at the top of each individual message, where it is easy to find. The disadvantage of Individual Mode is that you will receive multiple email messages in your Inbox.

The choice is yours! If you want to receive fewer, less specific (but possibly longer and more repetitive) emails, choose Digest Mode. If you prefer to use the subject line to screen each message and don’t mind receiving multiple email messages, then select Individual Mode.

Here’s how to check your current delivery format and make changes, if desired:

On the AASV Web site (, scroll over the MEMBERS tab and select "Main Page" from the drop down list. You will need your username and password to access this page. If you have forgotten your username or password, these can be obtained by providing your email address in the box at the bottom of the AASV home page (

Once you have accessed the Members-only Main Page (, click on the AASV-L hyperlink in the third bullet point under your name.

Voila! You have options!

As always, additional questions, comments, concerns and suggestions are welcome at, and technical support is available by contacting