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Russia Struggles to Contain CSF & ASF

The Vladimir oblast region is seeing the spread of Classical swine fever (CSF) at pig farms. It has been reported that outbreaks have surfaced at the same time that new ownership of swine farms occurred in the area. One measure which has taken place is the fencing off of animal areas so that animal movements are kept to a minimum.

A representative of Rospotrebnadzor (Russian Federal Trade & Sanitary Inspection Authority) has said that unauthorised animal movements, avoiding veterinary certification has been seen over the last six months. Animal populations are therefore not completely recorded and because of this there is no complete immunisation project.

Thus far, no culling of pigs has taken place as laboratory results are still under wraps.

CSF has been confirmed in five outbreaks during the last three months.

Since the first wave of African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks of the disease in 2009 the situation has not significantly changed. ASF is not only a catastrophe for domestic pig production, but it also prevents the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of the National Food Security Doctrine, which remain essential, especially today in a period of unprecedented growth of global food prices.

Source:, October 4, 2011 and October 7, 2011