If you are an accredited veterinarian and you have not yet notified the National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) that you wish to retain your accreditation, you must submit an application to USDA APHIS VS by October 1, 2011 to maintain your accreditation.
USDA Veterinary Services is announcing to the public that veterinarians who are currently accredited in the NVAP may continue to perform accredited duties and may elect to continue to participate in the NVAP until October 1, 2011. The regulations indicate that currently accredited veterinarians must elect to continue their participation in the NVAP in order to maintain their accredited status, after which USDA will confirm their continued participation and notify them of their first renewal date.
If you have previously submitted an application to maintain your accreditation but have not received notification of your first renewal date, contact your local Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC) to determine the status of your application. Currently accredited veterinarians that wish to continue to participate in the accreditation program have until October 1, 2011 to submit VS Form 1-36A to apply for accreditation renewal. Instructions for completing submitting the form are available online.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Todd Behre, National Veterinary Accreditation Program, VS, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 200, Riverdale, MD 20737; (301) 851-3401.