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Members: Access the AASV 2011 Proceedings Online – Yes, the Seminars Too!

Couldn’t make it to the AASV conference in Phoenix? Attended the meeting but missed a pre-conference seminar that interested you? Never fear – the Swine Information Library is here! It contains ALL of the papers presented at the 2011 AASV Annual Meeting, including those from the pre-conference seminars! Even better, it’s online and FREE for members who have paid their 2011 AASV dues. Here’s how to access:

Short version:Go to and under the PUBLICATIONS menu tab, click "Swine Information Library" (the third entry in the dropdown menu). In the Swine Information Library index, click the meeting proceedings you wish to access, and then click the year (Note, the AASV pre-conference seminar papers have their own link in the index, separate from the rest of the AASV meeting papers).

Even shorter version: Click here:

You’ll need your AASV username and password to access the documents. If your password’s not handy, you can reset and have it emailed to you by entering your email address at the bottom of the AASV homepage: (the email address you enter must match the email we have on file for you). Or, contact the AASV office:, 515-465-5255.