The 2012 budget submitted by the Obama Administration to Congress includes $150 million in Department of Homeland Security funding for the next phase of the construction of the $650 million National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) in Manhattan, KS.
Construction is scheduled to be completed by 2017 with the lab opening in 2018. The NBAF will be built on the Kansas State University campus adjacent to the school’s Biosecurity Research Institute.
The NBAF will be a highly secure biosecurity level 3 and 4 facility where top government scientists and researchers will study of foreign animal, emerging and zoonotic (transmitted from animals to humans) diseases that threaten the U.S. animal agriculture and public health.
The NBAF will provide and strengthen our nation with critical capabilities to conduct research, develop vaccines and other countermeasures, and train veterinarians in preparedness and response against these diseases.The nation’s premier biodefense facility is expected to be a major driver of economic development in the area including Manhattan,KS and Kansas State University.
Business Facilities, February 14, 2011
Kansas City Star