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7th International Conference on Boar Semen Preservation — Abstract Deadline

The deadline for abstract submission to the next International Boar Semen Conference is approaching. If you want to participate at the conference with your latest research results or present your farm and management data on reproduction in pigs, don’t miss the firm deadline: March 1, 2011.

All abstracts for posters and short oral communications must be submitted as email attachment and be addressed to the program secretary of the conference, Prof. Detlef Rath (

Submitted abstracts will undergo a strict peer-review process. Accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement of "Reproduction in Domestic Animals".

Please visit the Boar Semen Web Site for further information how to prepare and submit your abstracts.

The 7th Boar Semen Conference will be held at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute (GSI) in Bonn, Germany. The conference organizers would appreciate if you could register as early as possible to the conference.

Don’t miss the benefit of early bird registration before April 1, 2011.

Due to the fact that the maximum number of participants is limited early booking is recommended! Please be sure to register until June 1, 2011 for the conference hotel; the room contingent will expire thereafter.

For your registration use the online registration form.