The AASV is pleased to announce the inaugural Veterinary Student Poster Competition, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. The competition will be held Sunday, March 6, during the 2011 Annual Meeting in Phoenix. Based on scores received in the original judging of abstracts submitted for the AASV Student Seminar in September, the top fifteen abstracts not selected for oral presentation have been chosen for judging in the poster competition.
A panel of three judges will conduct a brief interview of each student presenter and evaluate their poster at the meeting on Sunday, March 6. The results of the poster competition will be announced during the Boehringer-Ingelheim-sponsored AASV Luncheon on Monday, March 7. Boehringer-Ingelheim is providing the following awards to the poster competitors:
1st place poster: $500
2nd & 3rd place: $400 each
4th, 5th, & 6th place: $300 each
7th – 15th place: $200 each
The judging scoresheet and additional information regarding the competition are available online at The following veterinary student presentations have been selected to compete in the poster competition:
Veterinary Student Poster Competition
Judging schedule
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Comparison of alternative sample collection methods
Jessica Abbott, Iowa State University
Comparison of two gilt synchronization protocols
Kyle Alberti, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Prevalence of PCV2 in the cord blood of newborn pigs from vaccinated dams
Natalie Baker, Purdue University
Field evaluation of an avirulent live Haemophilus parasuis vaccine
Joshua Duff, North Carolina State University
Evaluation of shoulder decubital ulcer treatment methods in sows
Amber Hazel, University of Minnesota
Actinobaculum suis tube agglutination titer and production parameters of sows
Attila Mihály Kertesz, Szent István University, Budapest
Correlation of clinical diarrhea, histopathological lesions and diagnostic tests for grow-finish enteritis with a focus on Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
Hannah Lowe, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
Producer experiences with electronic sow feeding (ESF)
Gilbert Patterson, University of Pennsylvania
10:20 BREAK
Re-evaluation of a low-cost protocol for reducing the risk of aerosol spread of PRRS virus
Andrea Pitkin, University of Minnesota
Performance comparison of the new IDEXX X3 ELISA with the current 2XR ELISA
Abigail Redalen, University of Minnesota
An evaluation of the "Load, Close, and Homogenize" protocol with modified-live vaccination for PRRSv stabilization in 5 breeding herds
Michael Slattery, Iowa State University
Rotavirus serogroup prevalence and characterization post dam vaccination in a four breeding farms
Chase Stahl, Iowa State University
A systematic review of the association between Helicobacter spp. and the development of gastric ulcers in swine
Sarah Taylor, University of Guelph
"Gilty secrets": Preliminary trends from a gilt retention cohort study
Lisa Thompson, North Carolina State University
Euthanasia by electrocution in 5 kg to 15 kg nursery pigs
Evan Van Beusekom, University of Minnesota