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Potential Podcast Participants: December 15 is Due Date to Apply

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians is once again providing an opportunity for 30 students to earn $200 each at the 2011 AASV Annual Meeting by conducting a recorded interview of an AASV speaker for podcasting. Each student selects and contacts the speaker, prepares the questions in advance, and conducts the interview in Phoenix during the meeting (March 5-8). This is an excellent opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and interact with a respected swine industry professional on a one-to-one basis. The end product is a 5 to 15-minute MP3 podcast available to members on the AASV website.

The podcast program can accept 30 participants. If more than thirty students apply, preference will be given to students who have not participated in the past. An impartial drawing will be held, if necessary, to narrow the field to thirty. If all of the new applicants have been accepted, any remaining positions will be filled by conducting a drawing from applicants who have previously participated.

AASV student members who would like to be considered should send an email message indicating their desire to participate to: The deadline to respond is December 15.