Looking for the perfect gift for that special client, producer, coworker, or veterinary student? Consider a copy of the Swine Disease Manual!
The manual’s 170 pages provide a concise overview of most diseases and syndromes affecting swine, with diseases grouped by etiologic agent. The fourth edition has been completely revised and updated by Drs. Eric Neumann, Alex Ramirez, and Kent Schwartz, and contains new information on clostridial disease, salmonellosis, porcine circovirus, and more! The book is indexed, and contains a section of tables that provide a quick overview of diseases affecting a single body system and aid in differential diagnosis.
The Swine Disease Manual is economically priced at $25 per copy plus shipping. Orders may be placed online at http://ecom.aasv.org/sdm. For more information, contact the AASV: 515-465-5255 or aasv@aasv.org.