The AASV Student Recruitment Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Shamus Brown (Iowa State University, 2013) as the incoming Alternate Student Delegate to the AASV Board of Directors.
Shamus grew up in Northwest Iowa working on his family’s farm, which included a 500-sow farrow-to-finish operation. He is currently participating in a dual-degree program to receive a Masters in Business Administration in addition to his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. He was selected to participate in the Student Seminar and scholarship competition at the AASV 2010 Annual Meeting in Omaha, presenting on the topic, "Case study: A rigorous approach to evaluating herd closure and rollover for PRRS virus elimination," and receiving a $2500 scholarship for his efforts. His recent summer internship experiences have included work for Elanco Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, and the ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, conducting research and business analyses in areas related to livestock production and medicine. In 2007, he participated in a study-abroad program in the Ukraine, where he was introduced to Eastern European production agriculture, agribusiness, and agricultural entrepreneurship.
Shamus will assume duties as Alternate Student Delegate during the 2011 AASV Annual Meeting in Phoenix. The former Alternate Delegate, Jessica Hendrickson, will ascend to the Delegate position. Jessica and Shamus will represent student interests within AASV as non-voting members of the Board of Directors and the Student Recruitment Committee.
Please join in welcoming Shamus to the AASV Board of Directors!