We have all watched with great compassion the events unfolding in Haiti following the devastating recent earthquake. Of course the humanitarian efforts being undertaken by teams from around the world are of paramount importance and take priority in the foreseeable future. Those in the medical profession, including veterinarians, are compassionate and caring people — always eager to help save lives and improve living conditions for both humans and animals. The AVMA, for example, has joined with a coalition of animal health and welfare groups operating in Haiti to facilitate the response from an animal health perspective.
As the human tragedy begins the slow process of recovery, re-establishing some normalcy of life will be critical and animals play a role in the lives of people in Haiti as they do around the world. One of the key issues will be focusing on Haiti’s livestock and large population of stray animals.
The response to these issues raises potential concerns for the U.S. livestock industries. There are a number of reportable trans-border diseases endemic or suspected on the island of Hispaniola which, if introduced into the U.S. livestock herd, would have devastating effects on animal agriculture. In addition, these diseases can be easily spread from farm to farm as response teams travel around the Haitian countryside. This unintentional transmission of endemic diseases would further damage the already fragile livestock industry on the island. The unimaginable challenges associated with responding to such a devastating catastrophe open the door for a breakdown in the normal biosecurity practices that have been so successful over the years protecting American agriculture and supporting the efforts of farmers in Haiti and the neighboring Dominican Republic to control disease spread within their livestock herds.
AASV raises this issue simply to remind all agencies and individuals whose response efforts bring them into contact with livestock while in Hispaniola, as well as those involved with protecting U.S. livestock, to be aware of the potential impact of introducing a foreign animal disease into the U.S. livestock herd. Routine procedures should be re-emphasized and additional precautions should be enacted to minimize the risk of disease introduction and transmission including:
- enhanced awareness at U.S. ports of entry for folks traveling from Hispaniola,
- reminding responders of the dangers of bringing agricultural products into the U.S.,
- wearing disposable coveralls and boots while on farms in Hispaniola,
- frequent thorough hand-washing and showering between farms if possible,
- personal hygiene should include blowing your nose and expectorating,
- comply with downtime recommendations before coming in contact with U.S. livestock (most recommendations call for at least 5 days between contact with animals potentially infected with a foreign animal disease and susceptible livestock)
- increased biosecurity awareness on the part of U.S. livestock producers and veterinarians with regards to international travel, foreign visitors and employees.
Everyone wants to find some way to help the people of Haiti who so deserve our assistance and compassion. Because of the U.S. proximity to the disaster, many of you may find yourself with the opportunity to participate through church groups, Red Cross volunteer efforts, AVMA VMAT response or personal associations with the relief efforts underway in Haiti. AASV encourages you to take this opportunity to educate those groups responding to the tragedy, and remind the agencies charged with protecting U.S. agriculture, regarding the precautions necessary to protect both the farmers of Hispaniola and those in the U.S.