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AASV Mourns the Passing of Dr. Tom Alexander

The American Association of Swine Veterinarians was saddened to hear of the death of Dr. Tom Alexander. He passed away unexpectedly on October 1st. Dr. Alexander was a past member of AASV and gave the 1988 Howard Dunne Lecture. He was also a founder of the International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS). He had a very distinguished professional career as a lecturer at the Veterinary School at Cambridge University and also as a consultant for PIC.

Dr. Jerome Geiger with PIC remembers Dr. Alexander as "a cornerstone of PIC’s health program since the earliest days. He is a cherished member of the PIC family. To the global pig industry, Tom was a visionary, a teacher, and an accessible authority on a broad range of health topics. Our industry and understanding are much different thanks to Tom. He has inspired many."

Dr. Hank Harris also remembered Dr. Alexander fondly as "both a mentor and friend to many of us. His contributions to the swine industry were remarkable. Very early on Tom taught us the importance of disease recognition and control over simply identifying the presence of infectious agents. He was the creator of Medicated Early Weaning which laid the foundation for multi-site production. Tom’s enthusiasm for discovery and teaching were profound and will be missed."

The AASV extends our thoughts and sympathy to Tom’s many friends, colleagues and family.