The AASV 2008 Membership Directory has now been shipped to AASV members (student members will receive their copies when renewing membership for the 2008-9 year). We hope you find the directory information helpful in maintaining contact and exchanging information with your colleagues in the swine industry! Unfortunately, the directory is not without error. On page 8, we incorrectly listed Dr. S. Ernest Sanford as the recipient of the 2008 Technical Services/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year. Instead, Dr. Robert Desrosiers was the deserving winner of this award, as reported in the May/June issue of the Journal of Swine Health and Production. We extend our sincere apologies to Dr. Desrosiers for the error and ask members to “pencil in” the correction.
We encourage members to report any other errors or changes to so that future editions and the online directory may be corrected. For the most up-to-date information, access the AASV online directory at (members only; username and password required). The online directory is updated on a weekly basis.
The AASV is grateful to the corporate sponsors whose generous contributions supported the cost of printing and shipping the directory. Their contact information is listed on pages 2 & 3 in the front of the directory. Please join us in thanking the following companies for their support:
Absolute Swine Insemination
Applied Biosystems
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
Destron Fearing
DeWaay Capital Management
Fort Dodge Animal Health
MVP Laboratories
Nedap Agri
Newport Laboratories
Pfizer Animal Health
Ralco Nutrition
Sirrah Bios
Waldo Farms/Whiteshire Hamroc