The National Pork Board (NPB) and Iowa State University organized a summit to discuss biosecurity concerns associated with the transportation of live animals.
Over 50 veterinarians, researchers, producers, processors and transport experts attended the Transportation Biosecurity Summit held July 15 – 16 in Kansas City, Missouri. The purpose of the summit was to consider the risks associated with disease transfer during the movement of pigs and to identify knowledge gaps and procedures to minimize the risks.
The group heard about the role transportation can play in the spread of disease agents such as PRRS virus and the ability of disease agents to survive the transportation process. Economist Dr. Steve Myer reinforced the significance of the export market and the devastating economic impact associated with the loss of market access. The importance of trailer disinfection was emphasized along with multiple descriptions of disinfection methodologies including the use of disinfectants and drying techniques.
Speakers also discussed a number of strategies utilized by producers and seedstock suppliers directed at reducing the likelihood of disease transmission via transport. The NPB emphasized the importance of trucker certification utilizing the Transportation Quality Assurance program.