The Global "One Health" Leadership Fund catalyzes new partnerships focused on the increasingly complex dilemmas at the convergence of animals, humans and the environment. These Funds are intended to provide start-up money for new public-private-academic partnerships, recognizing the synergy that comes from transdisciplinary approaches bridging multiple sectors of society. The intent is to fund innovative proposals that demonstrate new collaborations with significant potential for addressing global "One Health" challenges through research, education or outreach.
The Global "One Health" Leadership Funds are held in the University of Minnesota Foundation and administered by the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS). These funds are restricted to project expenses related to fostering cooperation, including travel, meeting expenses, preliminary data collection, and joint education or outreach activities. While funds may be used for project-specific short-term personnel or support such as audiovisual technical advice; they are not intended for long-term, recurring commitments for faculty and staff. All funds must be expended within one year of the award and will be dispersed on a quarterly basis.
Two to four $10,000 awards are available focusing on the following areas:
- Global food system challenges and opportunities including, but not limited to, food security, food safety and food defense
- Ecosystem Health: meeting the challenges at the intersection of human and animal health and the environment.
- Emerging issues involving commercial swine production including, but not limited to, potential zoonoses, occupational health, and environmental health.
- Ecology of emerging infectious disease: prediction, detection, understanding or control.
Submissions must be received by 8:00 am on May 30, 2008. Additional information is available by contacting Kate Hanson at