It’s license renewal time for many veterinarians, and the amount of continuing education credit available at the AASV Annual Meeting is a frequent question received at the AASV office. Here are some details regarding recent conferences:
AASV 2008 Annual Meeting
March 8-11, 2008
San Diego, California
Regular meeting sessions: 16 hours
Pre-conference seminars: 4 hours each
PRRS Risk Assessment Training: 4 hours
PQA Plus Advisor Training: 7 hours
AASV 2007 Annual Meeting
March 3-6, 2007
Orlando, Florida
Regular meeting sessions: 16 hours
Pre-conference seminars: 4 hours each
PRRS Risk Assessment Training: 4 hours
PQA Plus Advisor Training: 7 hours
AASV 2006 Annual Meeting
March 4-7, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
Regular meeting sessions: 16 hours
Pre-conference seminars: 4 hours each
SWAP Training: 7 hours
AASV Summer Conference: Advanced Techniques for Swine Veterinarians
June 4-6, 2007
Ames, Iowa
CE credit: 14 hours
Please feel free to contact the AASV office if you wish to verify your AASV meeting or seminar registration, or if you’d like to receive a certificate of attendance showing the CE credit available to you: Tel. 515-465-5255, E-mail