Fourteen committees met during the AASV’s 2008 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. For the first time, all the committees met on the same day, Saturday March 8th.
The meetings were well attended for the most part and the timing facilitated good interaction and activity. The Board of Directors agreed to move their spring meeting to the end of the Annual Meeting to allow the committees to meet on Saturday morning. This promoted good committee activity and allowed the committees to submit requests to the board and receive a very timely response rather than having to wait until the fall board meeting in October. Four committees submitted requests for funding or activity approval which were considered by the board.
As a result of the committee leader efforts, a number of new members were added to various committee rosters. The AASV leadership presented the committee members with a "Committee Member" ribbon to affix to their name badges. The ribbons served two purposes. First to recognize those members that volunteer their time to participate in the direction of the association and second to encourage other members to join a committee.
We will be reviewing the activities of the committees in upcoming e-Letter articles. Updates will also be posted on the committee webpages. If you have an interest in joining one of the committees please contact the committee chair.