Dr. Christa Irwin, Ames, Iowa, was named the 2008 recipient of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians Foundation Hogg Scholarship. The scholarship was presented during the association’s annual meeting in San Diego.
Established in 2008, the scholarship is named for Dr. Alex Hogg who was a leader in swine medicine and pursued a master’s degree in veterinary pathology after 20 years in a mixed-animal practice. The scholarship, in the amount of $12,000, is awarded annually to an AASV member who has been accepted into a qualified graduate program to further his or her education after years as a swine practitioner.
Dr. Irwin is an adjunct instructor in the Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine at Iowa State University. She is pursuing a master’s degree in veterinary preventive medicine, focusing on epidemiology. She received her veterinary degree from Kansas State University.
Previously, Dr. Irwin was a staff veterinarian at Murphy-Brown, LLC, managing the Missouri farrow- to- feeder pig and multiplication operations for six years. From 1998 to 2001, she was employed by Pig Improvement Company.
Active in the AASV since 1998, Dr. Irwin represented the association on the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Animal Welfare Committee from 2001 to 2007. She currently serves on the AASV’s Foreign Animal Disease Committee, the Animal Welfare Committee and the Swine Health Committee.
She has authored several articles on swine health and is a frequent speaker at national and regional veterinary meetings. Her professional interests include swine/livestock health management, epidemiology, pathology and reproduction/physiology.