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Veterinary Career Opportunities Workshop

The Kansas State University Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Business Administration invite you to attend the Veterinary Career Opportunities Workshop, November 2-3, 2007.

The goal of this meeting is to provide practitioners the opportunity to meet and interact with current veterinary students who are interested in mixed animal practice. Attending students will range from first, second and third year students who are interested in externships and preceptorships with an established practice, to fourth year students who are ready to join a practice as a new associate. Externships and preceptorships are a great way to introduce the student to mixed animal practice, and see if they are a good fit for your practice.

Topics include skills related to finding new associates, graduating student expectations, fair benefits packages and reasonable job descriptions. Veterinary students from Kansas State University will attend a portion of the Workshop. Brief mock interviews between the students and practitioners will be conducted to allow both prospective employers and new associates to discuss expectations related to the specific job. Upon leaving the workshop, practitioners will have a professional printed job description and a wealth of new knowledge to help build their practices.

The conference will be held in Manhattan, KS, and ten hours of continuing education credit will be awarded for attendance. The cost for this workshop is $300 for registrations received by October 19, 2007. Registration fee includes lectures, proceedings, Friday lunch, reception/dinner, breaks, and Saturday breakfast and lunch. Registration after October 19th is $320. For more conference information: To register, please send your payment to Veterinary Career Opportunities Workshop, Division of Continuing Education, 141 College Court Building, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-6015. Please contact Marci Ritter (785-532-5696, with any questions.