A last-minute addition to the 15th Annual Iowa State University Swine Disease Conference November 8-9, 2007 will be a discussion of the current disease status in China presented by Dr. Yao Jiancong, Agricultural Scientist, USDA-APHIS-International Services stationed in Beijing, China.
Dr. Yao will present a paper entitled "An insight into "High Fever Syndrome" of Swine in China from 2006 and 2007" based on his experiences and contacts within China. The goal of this presentation is to inform conference attendees about the Chinese swine industry and impacts of the "High Mortality Syndrome" in 2006 and 2007. His USDA position and experiences and contacts in China should provide a unique information source to conference attendees.
Registration materials and complete program schedule are available on-line at http://www.ucs.iastate.edu/mnet/swinedisease/home.html.