According to two new fact sheets distributed by Ontario Pork, recent nutrient analysis of composite pork samples indicate that pork is now leaner than ever before.
The fact sheets, " Pork a Healthy Choice" and "Pork a Lean Choice", produced by the dietitian at Ontario Pork, provide nutrition information related to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Health Check program and Canada’s Food Guide. Based on a nutrient analysis conducted in 2006, pork can now be classified as "extra lean" meaning it contains 7.5 percent fat or less.
The nutrient analysis revealed that a 100 gram average serving of raw trimmed pork contains only 2.7 grams of fat. As a matter of fact, all trimmed pork cuts except ribs are now categorized as "extra lean". Manitoba Pork Council home economist Marlene McDonald credits the further fat reductions to increased trimming and new feeding techniques where pork producers have responded to consumer demand for even leaner meat.
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