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AASV Alert Message

I apologize to those of you that have received multiple copies of today’s Alert message regarding the FMD outbreak in the UK. In an effort to provide you with the most concise, accurate and up-to-date information possible we are working on a system that would allow us to send out these update messages more efficiently. David Brown is working diligently on writing the necessary computer code to facilitate this effort and it has been a bit of trial and error to get it right.

I hope that the Alert messages are of benefit to the membership and I think it will be a vital link should we ever be faced with an emergency or FAD outbreak in this country. We would like the AASV website to be your source of timely accurate information during an emergency so we’re working to make the website and e-Letter more efficient tools for conveying important information.

Thanks for your understanding during this construction period and we welcome any input you have regarding this effort (