The National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL) is pleased to announce that Dr. Tammy Beckham has been named the NVSL Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (FADDL) Director. Dr. Beckham began her duties effective July 8, 2007. [Ed. Dr. Beckham assumes the position vacated by Dr. Tom McKenna when he accepted the position as Director of the Wisconsin Diagnostic Lab.]
Dr. Beckham received her DVM degree from Auburn University in 1998 and her PhD in 2001. Dr. Beckham started with FADDL in March 2002. In June 2005, Dr. Beckham accepted a position with DHS, and was designated Chief of the Forensics/Disease Threat Assessment Program. In 2006, Dr. Beckham returned to work for FADDL as Head of the Proficiency and Validation Services Section.