Occasionally we are asked about the time between submission and publication of manuscripts in the Journal of Swine Health and Production (JSHAP), most recently just this week. We thought you might be interested in hearing the statistics. A year ago, the time between acceptance of a peer-reviewed manuscript and its publication in JSHAP averaged almost 14 months for the May, July, and September issues, with 9 months the shortest interval. As we caught up to the backlog of waiting manuscripts, that average has been cut in half. For the May, July and September 2007 issues, the average time between acceptance and publication is 7 months, with a low of 4 months.
Four peer-reviewed scientific articles were included in all but one 2004 issue of JSHAP, with the remaining issue publishing five articles. In 2005, there were five scientific articles in four of the six issues. We switched to publishing five peer-reviewed articles per issue in 2005 because the time between acceptance and publication was becoming quite lengthy. Of course, this extended wait for publication was a disappointment both to the authors and to you, the readers, who wanted the information in a timely manner. Discontinuing regular publication of the Practice Tip, What’s Your Interpretation, and Diagnostic Notes features provided enough space to allow us to increase the number of peer-reviewed articles per issue. The September 2007 issue will be the first since the spring of 2005 to include only four scientific articles.