The USDA has implemented a surveillance program to detect the presence of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in the U.S. swine herd. The program is designed to utilize the routine submission of diagnostic tissues to laboratories participating in the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN).
The program identifies tonsil, tonsil scrapings and nasal swabs as appropriate samples for CSF detection if collected and submitted properly. Tonsil is the preferred tissue and should always be included in any diagnostic sample submission. As an incentive for producers and veterinarians to submit tonsil, USDA will credit the submitter with $50 to be applied to the diagnostic workup for those cases tested by a participating NAHLN lab.
Using cooperative funds provided by the USDA, AASV has produced a brochure entitled "GOT TONSIL" which describes the surveillance program and the proper technique for sample collection and submission. The brochure is now available online on the AASV website.