Fifteen of AASV’s issue-based committees met either at the Annual meeting in Orlando or by conference call just prior to the meeting. Over the next few weeks the minutes of these meetings will be placed on each committee’s webpage and a summary will appear in e-Letter. Please take this opportunity to explore what your committees are doing and, if you find something that interests you or you think you could contribute to their efforts, please let the committee chair know.
The first committee meeting we’ll review is the Communications Committee chaired by Dr. Morgan Morrow. The committee met on Friday March 2nd and discussed a number of issues involving ways to provide the membership additional access to informational materials. For instance, they approved the idea to begin collecting interviews of senior members of the association such as Past Presidents and Howard Dunne speakers. This would be done in an effort to capture that history as well as honor those members that have contributed many years of service to the association.
The image library was an additional topic of discussion. Focused effort will be applied to further organizing and categorizing the slides donated by the membership. A large number of slides are available online in the AASV Image Library and can be accessed and used by the membership. The family of the late Dr. Alex Hogg recently donated a large collection of his slides to the AASV which are still being catalogued and organized as are collections donated by other members.
The Monday morning general session was again video recorded during the annual meeting and will be uploaded to the website in the near future. The videos from last year’s annual meeting can be viewed online in the AASV Video Library.
New at this year’s meeting, Dave Brown and Morgan Morrow recorded 17 student interviews of presenters. These interviews will be made available as podcasts on the AASV website and can be downloaded onto your computer, MP3 player or iPod and listened to at your convenience.
These are just a few of the activities that the committee is considering. Please visit the Communications Committee web page for a complete update and contact Dr. Morrow if you have any suggestions or would like to join the committee.