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Bradford Establishes Endowment

Dr. Jim Bradford and his wife Jacquelyn have established the James and Jacquelyn Bradford Production Animal Medicine Endowment in the Michigan State University Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences.

The endowment, made possible by a donation from Jim and Jacquelyn and matched by Pfizer, will fund a scholarship for students interested in pursuing a career in food animal veterinary medicine at MSU. In creating the endowment, the Bradfords, both raised in an agricultural community near South Bend, Indiana, expressed concern about the decline in the number of people with farm backgrounds and the resulting shortage of veterinarians interested in farm-related veterinary practice.

"The intent of our gift," says Jim, "is to identify outstanding animal science students who might have a leaning toward veterinary medicine."

Jim has spent 34 years practicing food animal veterinary medicine, the first 20 in private practices in Indiana, Wisconsin, and California. He then left practice for a career in industry first with Upjohn and most recently as the senior strategic initiatives manager for the swine and poultry business unit at Pfizer Animal Health.

Please join AASV in thanking Jim and Jacquelyn for their generosity in support of the future of food animal veterinary medicine.